Denuded SSP is a rigorous exploration of the relationship between the breath and physical tension, and the ways in which they permeate the body in each moment. Isaković first created Denuded as a solo in 2013, and then as a duet in 2014. With multiple bodies, he transforms his approach to movement to bring into play the dynamics of a diverse ensemble, examining various aspects and levels of interaction among the performers, as well as the relationship between the performers and the audience. The body is engaged in organic, brutally decelerated, and controlled movement that gradually shifts in texture and scale. “Movement and the relationship within the group is suspended in the natural speed of the breath,” says Isaković. “The movement’s weight, muscle tension, position in space; and even the associative links between the performers are suspended within it.” With the body in constant transformation, the viewer is faced with a continuous rereading of Denuded‘s shifting shapes, distortions, and images. Denuded SSP was created as the part of BESPECTATIVE residency in collaboration with Studio dance company.
“Denuded is a spectacular, yet simple, artpiece that goes beyond the purely physical movement and questions the relations between the artist and the spectator. The performance Denuded continues researching and deeply touches physical transformation, thus freeing them from the automatic attribution of meaning to what we at a given moment are able to see, recognize, experience.”